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Revisions to the Land Recycling Program Technical Guidance Manual (TGM) are complete and notice of the revised TGM was published in the PA Bulletin on, December 16, 2018. There will be a 90-day public comment period which ends on March 16, 2018. Substantial revisions from the current 2002 version include a reorganization of information to improve clarity and flow of the document, clarification of complicated concepts, updating outdated information, removing redundant text, and the addition of vapor intrusion and groundwater monitoring guidance. Revising the TGM will help avoid confusion for remediators and regional office staff when assessing and remediating sites to satisfy the requirements of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act.

Also, the Environmental Quality Board unanimously approved the Chapter 250 Final-Omit Rulemaking on December 12, 2018, correcting three data transcription errors. This final rulemaking corrects:

  • the Aldrin used aquifer TDS ≤ 2,500 residential numeric value in Table 1 from 0.43 µg/L to 0.043 µg/L.

  • The beryllium and cadmium toxicity values in Table 5B and associated direct contact numeric values in Table 4A were also corrected. In Table 5B, the oral cancer slope factor values of 8.4 (mg/kg/day)-1 and 15 (mg/kg/day)-1 for beryllium and cadmium, respectively, have been removed.

  • Changes to Table 4A include correcting the beryllium residential numeric value from 2 mg/kg to 440 mg/kg and the non-residential surface soil numeric value from 11 mg/kg to 6,400 mg/kg. The cadmium residential numeric value changed from 1.2 mg/kg to 110 mg/kg, and the non-residential surface soil numeric value changed from 6 mg/kg to 1,600 mg/kg.

Publication of the corrected values in the PA Bulletin and the PA Code is expected in the spring of 2018.

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